To India and Back
Jacob Bailey's 10 week trip to India for an infectious disease internship.
Friday, March 31, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
March 18, 2006
Here I am sitting in sweat for my last hour in India. Thank goodness I stored a change of knickers in my backpack. At the risk of future exploitation for this moment of truth I’ll let you all in on something. I can’t say no. Except for when the cabbie asked if he could drop off his bro on the way to the airport. But that was easy. When food is involved my answer is always a resounding yes. There it is. For the sake of a story I’m spilling the beans.
Instead of packing my last night, thereby making my Saturday morning available for last minute details, I ate with a doctor and his family. This is in no way a complaint. Not only was the cuisine delicious but the opportunity to spend time with a family was refreshing. One of my expectations for this trip was to develop relationships that would open windows to view life in India. I’ve had the pleasure of doing so by creating friendships with those around me here. So when I was asked to bring back pictures for the younger brother that lives in Salt Lake City, I didn’t hesitate to agree. Besides, this becomes another chance to meet new people and create bridges. Anyway, I gorged myself because I can never say no to seconds, or thirds, and waddled my way back home. That’s when I got the call from a former intern telling me that our mutual friend was having a birthday party and would like to see me before I left. So off I went. The party consisted of family and friends at a restaurant/lounge that his family rented out. This precipitated that I eat more, and not wanting to be an ungrateful guest I cleaned my plate. So I stayed out with the night owls till the cows came home and left my packing until this morning. This left me little time to get everything ready. Typical me.
For fun this time I want to pass along some of the funnier things I’ve heard and seen while sitting with doctors.
“Pharmaceutical companies would sell a comb to a bald man”
“Give me something good because she has exams coming up you know.” (A mother telling the doc to fill a prescription for antibiotics for her daughter with a cold)
“So doc, I don’t think it’s piles (aka hemorrhoids). It feels different.” patient
“No don’t worry, it’s not piles.” Doc
“So, what was it the guy had?” me about five minutes later
“Oh . . . it was just piles.” Doc
For all my fans out there—and when I say fans I mean you Mom—don’t worry, even though the Indian Adventure is ending as I write, the blog will continue. I still intend to share the rest of the journey home.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
March 14, 2006

Walking back to the Guest House from the hospital that we’ve been rotating through let me appreciate some things that I wouldn’t have seen otherwise. For one, the neighborhoods and the way they melt together, sometimes imperceptibly. The hospital is nestled in a neighborhood that seems to muffle the city from itself, almost blanketing the bustling streets with buildings and trees in such a way that at noonday the heat is balmy and the noise of traffic a hypnotic buzz. Spacious houses soon give way to apartment complexes with deceptively matching appearances. As major streets approach the din of midday traffic grows along with the frequency of stores and stalls until they reach a tumultuous climax at the train station. From swank to slum I walked and enjoyed the exercise, something I haven’t done lately.

Sunday, March 12, 2006
March 9, 2006
The rain befits the day. After a lazy morning breakfast, I headed on to the hospital for the day’s rotation. I went through both male and female medical wards again since they were beneficial last time. I saw another case of rheumatic heart disease, something that I was told to be rare. It seems that they don’t get many acute cases anymore but still see people presenting heart failure due to it. I also was asked to take a blood sample from one of the patients. I felt fairly comfortable doing so since I have plenty of experience from my experiments at work, but I was still nervous for some reason.
They gave me gloves and a syringe and we walked over to the patient. The man’s arm was emaciated and strikingly scrawny in the nurses’ constricting grip. There was no tourniquet available other than her two hands and it was at this moment I realized they were going to let me do this without cleaning the patient’s arm with alcohol. How many times have I witnessed the ugly abscesses caused by dirty injections? I’ve even met a kid teasingly referred to as Swimming pool because of the gaping hole left by such an abscess. After a quick cleaning I took the blood while the guy cried more than anyone I’ve ever seen. And that was that.
As I approach the end of the internship my mind turns more and more towards home and the tasks ahead of me. The time has come where I’m excited to return, but thoughts of leaving are accompanied by melancholy. Acclimating to this new environment hasn’t proven to be difficult. Two years in Mexico City has acquaintanced me to sprawling metropolises in developing countries, and every day the similarities grow between the two, making the differences more enjoyable. Ten weeks has been enough time to develop fledgling friendships, making the experience more enjoyable, and short enough to be a pleasant respite from life back home.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
March 6, 2006

This time we saw very few patients—no more than a dozen—but each person represented a new case to be explained and provided new insights as to how illness affects the body. A man suffering from tuberculosis was no longer just another case of TB, but became an opportunity to learn how different diseases affect the lungs and can be differentiated by x-ray. A woman with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease turned into a lesson on how lung problems create problems on other parts of the body. And once again I saw a rheumatic heart disease patient.
The woman was a young thirty-five. Thin and wasted. She had developed heart murmurs over the last few years and was presenting further complications. Too fit to suggest atherosclerosis or any such heart failures, and too old to hint at congenital heart defects, she was in need of surgery. Unfortunately she won’t be getting it. Too poor for any kind of corrective surgery, she will have to rely on prophylactic medication. Of course this means continuous compliance, something she’s probably too poor for as well. All this adds up to a very bleak future.

In the afternoon we spent about three hours at a place called Humsafar learning more about gay men in India. This is the only government sponsored outreach organization that targets gay men. Sodomy is illegal in this country and sex, especially gay sex, is extremely taboo. Humsafar provides counseling, community outreach activities, a medical clinic and HIV testing. We spoke with a couple representatives there and will go back tomorrow to talk with the counselors and doctors. Through all this we hope to see a larger picture of the HIV situation in this country. Cultural pressures are such that 27 % of homosexual men in Mumbai are actively involved in a heterosexual marriage as estimated by some studies. This is the most liberal city in India with probably the most open gay population. Tomorrow we hope to learn more about all this. It was interesting to see our coordinator’s reaction. She was obviously uncomfortable at the beginning of the visit and planned on leaving early to get back to her office duties. Eventually she stayed through the whole tour and seemed to enjoy the experience. When I asked her what her mother would say if she knew of the visit, she replied “She would kill me.”